- Arrow keys or WASD to move.
- Press E to use objects.
- Press i to access inventory.
- You can click an inventory item to equip it (makes it active item).
- Press spacebar to use the active item (ie, use sword).
- Use the sword on enemies to get cash to spend in the shop (press H to access shop).
- Talk to Draco in Root to learn how to build
- /home - respawn at your homestone
- /root - respawn at city of Root
- /sign <text> - rename the sign you are looking at
- /redeem <code> - redeem a code
- /who - see who is online.
- /trade <username> - start trade with someone.
- /w <player name> <message> - Sends a private whisper message to player name.
- /ignore <player name> - toggle ignore status on another player
- /rewardblocks - see your progress on finding reward blocks.
- /me <text here> - emotes this text as an action.
- /global <text here> - send a message to all players
- /g <text here> - send a message to all players
- /nearby <text here> - send a message to all nearby player
- /n <text here> - send a message to all nearby player
- /friend - get information about friend list
- /color <1-9> - changes your color
- /sellallinv - sell all your inventory items.
- /homeinvite <player name> - Invite another player to visit your homestone
- /visit <player name> - Visit player's homestone (requires invite)
- /leveldoor <minimum level> - set minimum level for a level door.
- /homestoneretrieve - returns your homestone to your inventory
- /nukekeys - delete all keys from your inventory
- /clearquests - deletes all quests from the quest window
- /loc - prints your current location
- /gold - displays information about current gold cycle
- /telepad <telepad ID> - links telepad to telepad id
- /togglemapprivacy - first travel to your pocket universe, then execute this command. It will toggle whether your pocket universe will be visible on the map -- does not take effect until next time map is generated
- /regionstat - show how many blocks are in your current region
- /checkpoint (or /ch) - manually respawn to your most recent checkpoint
- /townexpand - (Mayor/Official/Vice Mayor Only) Expand the size of your town (costs plat)
- /townname <town name> - (Mayor Only) Names your town
- /townadd <player name> - (Mayor/Vice Mayor Only) Adds a citizen
- /towndel <player name> - (Mayor/Vice Mayor Only) Removes a citizen
- /towninfo - Gets information about the town you are in
- /towntele <town name> - (Citizen only) Teleport to town stone
- /townoff <citizen name> - (Mayor/Vice Mayor only) Toggle Town Official status for a citizen
- /townvicemayor <player name> - (Mayor Only) Toggle's citizen vice mayor status.
- /townpvp (off OR on OR bounty OR dungeon) - (Mayor/Official/Vice Mayor only) Toggle PvP status of town.
- /towntransfer <player name> - (Mayor Only) Transfers ownership of town to target player
- /towns - Show list of all towns on this server that you are the mayor of, and their location.
- /townupgrade - (Mayor/Official/Vice Mayor Only) Upgrade your pocket townstone to a full townstone
- /friend add <username>
- /friend remove <username>
- /friend list (or /f)
- /safe open <password> (or /safe 0 <password>
- /safe close (or /safe c)
- /safe count
- /safe deposit <amount> (or /safe d <amount>)
- /safe withdraw <amount> (or /safe w <amount>)
- /safe pw <password>
- /safe owneropen
- /rewardblockname <name>
- /rewardblockquest <quest text>
- /rewardblock quest (non public rewardblock)
- /publicpad tele <location name> (or the obvious /tele <location name>
- /publicpad list
- /publicpad name <location name>
- /tele <name> - teleport to named publicpad
- /publicpad list - list all publicpads
- /publicpad help - gets list of publicpad commands
- /fdo OR /feedoor open
- /feedoor fee <price>
- /listpockets - get a list of your pocket universes, showing the map id for each
- /telepocket <map id> - Teleport to one of your pocket universes, ie: /telepocket 123456
- /buypocket - purchases a new pocket universe for 10p. Pocket will be a standard new pocket (2x2 regions big with no townstone placed yet).
- /passworddoor open <password> - Opens password door.
- /passworddoor set <password> - (Owner only) Sets password.
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