Wednesday, 18 November 2015

= 66 road

Da potatoe (Alex):

"I'm doing a =66 road that goes on all the map!
I need some help with the money and the wild blocks.

How can you help?
·Giving a little amount of gold. (A 5 blocks road costs ~20G)
·Giving a name for the road!
·Building a house next to the road! I'll connect it, don't worry. (You just need to give me the loc)
·If you are a mod, removing thrash next to it.

Where it is?
Search next to the "Frontier" Town of Sim9. It's on the east.
How to get to Frontier town? Do /tele root (Not /root) And go to the telepad there."


"How about HeldRoads?
Because its a road that holds players."


"Great idea.
Alex will rename the road to HeldRoads tomorrow, furthermore he will give you 5000g for your brilliant suggestion."

1 comment:

  1. Nowygod was on sarcarsm. Sorry but I never will rename MY road to YOUR name.
